Timber and Pest Inspection

Thorough Pest Inspections in Melbourne

Termites, wood borers, fungal decay, and mould are common issues in Melbourne, often going unnoticed until they cause extensive and expensive damage. Our pest inspections are designed to detect these timber pests early, identify live nests, uncover past infestations, and assess conditions that might lead to future problems.

What Our Pest Inspections Include:
Inside the Property:

• Detecting mould in damp areas that could harbor termites and wood borers.

• Checking for leaks in water and drainage pipes, as dampness can attract termites.

• Utilizing Thermal Imaging Technology to scan exposed timber for signs of pest activity.

Outside the Property:

• Identifying plumbing features that may release water too close to the property’s outer walls.

• Ensuring ventilation points are clear and drainage is sufficient to prevent pest issues.

• Inspecting boundary fences, trees, and outbuildings for signs of termite infestation.

• Assessing areas that need to remain dry to prevent water ingress.

• Making sure overflow pipes are positioned away from exterior walls.

Roof Space:

• Inspecting the internal roof structure, ensuring proper ventilation and moisture control

Sub-Floor Area:

• Checking for waste material that could attract pests.

• Verifying moisture and ventilation levels, and noting any obstructions that could lead to infestations.

• Inspecting for water leaks and ensuring proper drainage and ventilation in brickwork.

• For ongoing pest control, we recommend, Pestymate (Pestymate.com.au). Our comprehensive inspections help protect your property from pest damage, ensuring it remains safe and sound.